trick koids dependence

Diposting oleh oti | Kamis, Juni 11, 2009

dependence will happen when somebody will let life and the happiness controlleds another person. this can be caused by love very-very to somebody. image
yes, fall in love usually begun with have dinner romantic that stimulate adrenalin flow quick to entire systems in body. these vibrations makes you are bouncy to then meet the he.
when not strengthen stepping in fact, distillation will rage this will be uncontrollably, then aim to feeling yearn, even desperate.
when is connection permanent continued, one of the parties will make choices which actually tactless in will declare the rights, even not change self is better. final, dependence is matter not natural again.
so, best you recognize dependence marking since beginning connection, like next:
1. emotions not self emotion reflection:
• very often you felt very offended, angry, eforia or very happy, mostly caused by pair action.
2. pair restrains your life:
• you often think, “seandai he is menginginkan…. so i …. ”
• strength centre beyond self. you then make decision based on pair willing.
• you more stress pair opinion than opinion self.
• you are at the end of one's rope, then try to anticipate what not desirable pair before you do a certain.
3. time and your best energy is castaway in vain because reactive attitude, bot because of proactive attitude.
• you insistent of opinion can change idea, feeling, and or pair behaviour.
4. your self confidence taste begins to decrease:
• you tell lies self with of opinion, suppose you prettier, wilier, more demand, less demand, so that pair will get and more love you.
• wait pair to change, exactly even change ownself. furthermore, you so less involved in activity that well and normal. your happiness is even also is tasteless!
5. your life is retarded emotion consequence that fluctuate:
• you then hope or berfantasi about how if one day later your life with pair be better.
• you are gyve in fear and sadness,  or pair deed consequence anger.

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