in the early your family finance management wedding must be planned, you necessary composed estimation alias plan budget. from here you can see detailly your finance traffic: entering and expenditure. follow step-by-step composed estimation simply:

anggaran1: kelola salary or your income. when do you and husband works or has effort, so income you two family entering. insert also entering from
not salary (routine), like side business, property merchant result, stock dividend, deposit interest and another.

2: data all expenditures a month begin from household expenditure until child need and ownself.

3: insert to your expenditure list amount of money for emergency fund. is important because in a state of crucial, you must can guarantee permanent family can endure alive expediently from this fund.

4: after count income total and expenditure, count the rest. if still there remainder enough, mean your family finance wells. observant when obvious your finance show negative balance.

congratulation …DON’T forget commeny yow…….

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